Thoughts about life and the lessons we learn along the way from a guy who continues to chart his own course.
Friday, December 02, 2005
I'm Back
Answer these questions truthfully, trust your judgement and vote - you'll be happy you did!!
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
A Time of Reflection
Having a difficult time deciding where I belong. Not in the general sense - I am a proud father and husband and derive much joy from spending time with my family. However, in the grand scheme of things I am struggling with where I belong. It could be the 21 days of rain and counting. It could be the current state of work. It could be my ongoing battle with the flu. It could be my constant wondering - "Is this where I belong?" or it could be the lifetime of insecurity - hoping others will accept me - allowing me to fit in and know "This is where I belong"
Have been thinking a lot about the reasons leaders choose to become leaders. I know no one ever got into public life or into a leadership role not to do good, I just wonder sometimes if that is really the best way.
Leadership comes in many forms but good leadership is the same no matter what form - it's for the right reasons and it inspires everyone to want to follow - because they are excited about where they're going. Maybe that's why i am struggling right now - no excitement about where i am going.
Time to dig deep and realize it's an exciting ride everyday - i just need to open my eyes.
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
A True Leader
Asked to speak on Canada/US relations, Clinton basically told the jampacked audience that as close neighbhors we will continue to squabble from time to time but the bigger issue is the condition of the world today and into the future.
Clinton's conversation style puts his audience at ease before he hits them with startling facts and personal revelations that turn their world upside down. His style, his delivery and his knowledge create a delivery second to none - he truly is one of the greatest orators of our time.
To me this is a key ingredient in being a true leader - the ability to communicate. A remember the best communicators are also the best listeners!
Keep listening - you never know what you might hear.
Monday, October 10, 2005
My Time with Cyrus Eaton
Dad sent me some pictures of a day we spent with Cyrus Eaton who, if you don't know, was perhaps one of the most influential men in our history - see below.
It got me to thinking about the things I could do to make this world a better place to live. Cyrus Eaton was an extraordinary leader who made a real difference to the lives of everyone - not just at the time he was alive but for future generations. He was a man who literally put his money where his mouth was and used it to explore the notions of peace on earth. Present day leaders should further explore the life of Cyrus Eaton - the quiet man from Pugwash Nova Scotia who changed the face of the world!
"One of the great things I hope to accomplish is to get people of different faiths, different nationalities and different tongues to get together and find they are actually brothers after all." — Cyrus Eaton.
- financier and philanthropist
- born in Pugwash, Nova Scotia
- graduated from McMaster University
- became active in public utilities in the US, 1906-1912
- organized Continental Gas and Electric Corporation
- became director of the Otis and Co. banking house in 1925
- became interested in the steel business, and after a series of mergers formed Republic Steel Corp.
- founded the Pugwash Intellectual Life Conference - and the International Pugwash Conferences of Nuclear Scientists in 1957 in the fifties and sixties, he advocated the then unpopular view that there should be increased diplomacy with Russia
- Lenin Peace Price, 1960
- Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences
- books include:
- Financial democracy (1941)
- The professor talks to himself (1942)
- A capitalist looks at labor (1947)
- Canada's choice (1959)
Friday, October 07, 2005
R&R - Not As Easy As it Seems
So here I am laying on the sofa for 24 hours and I must tell you that I'm not real good at just being. TV is bad, news is repetative and work just seems wrong in a time like this.
SO yes I may be a work-a-holic (yes i have been working a bit) and yes I may have trouble spending time doing nothing, but it has also got me thinking about what i want and where i need to me. I feel changes swelling up inside like a tidal wave that will soon flow forward. More and more each day I know a little more about who i am and where i am going.
Back to the frozen peas!!!
Monday, September 26, 2005
Lifes Like That Sometimes
Tomorrow promises to be better. A real opportunity to meet with elected leaders who have a real opportunity to make a difference.
Stay tuned....
Friday, September 09, 2005
Ottawa Bound
It's so difficult with all the responsibilities we have to balance work, home, play/family, friends etc and I am more challenged than many when it comes to balance.
Feeling miserable today. The drugs I'm taking for this cold don't seem to be working. I just want to sleep!
Hard to search now...
Monday, September 05, 2005
A Lesson for all Leaders
"Just to the north and east of New Orleans are communities of all races (particularly white) that have simply been wiped out. I talked with friends from the area this evening and one lady that is a leading government official in Mississippi. She told me they expect the death count to possibly reach as many as 30,000 to 40,000 people…..with these being from all races. The tragedy of New Orleans is not a racial issue, but a sign of a nation’s ill preparedness for disaster. This would be true if it were Halifax or New Orleans. We can simply no longer ignore the threats created by natural or man caused disasters."
As this is a site for differing points of view I felt compelled to share this. It proves the point that opinions based on little or no fact are dangerous if not potentially suicidal! I was wrong and too quick to jump to conclusions based on my liberal, Canadian opinions of the current US adminstration. While i do disagree with many of the decisions made by the current Bush administration I will hold judgement on this current disaster and hope that, with all politics aside, we band together to ensure all those impacted have our love, our support and our commitment for a better tomorrow - for many tomorrows to come.
This is a lesson for all leaders to learn!
Sunday, September 04, 2005
Death Sucks for the Living
Lina made me laugh and gave me strength to go on when the consulting business was getting tough. She also played a big part in my changing my life - realizing that my family comes first and that no job, no matter how rewarding, is worth losing the love of those who count on you to be there.
Thanks for your honesty, your guidance and your patience - I am so lucky you came into my life.
I will miss you Lina.
A Lazy Day
Last couple of days of vacation and I finally got to catch up on the horrific scene that is New Orleans. Without trying to set off a blaze of controversy, this natural disaster has proven that racial differences still exist within North America and my heart goes out to those that the "powers that be - our Leaders!" seem to have forgotten.
Had an amazing trip and saw true leaders throughout.
First and foremost - Cirque de Soleil -An amazing show! The true leadership demonstrated by every performer (True leaders in their discipline) was amazing.
Next a major league baseball team - where leadership can make the difference between winning and losing (Jays lost!!!)
And then Marine Land where the trainers were able to work with a 10,000 pound killer whale - and through patience and trust - have that animal perform in a completely unnatural environment (I am applauding the leadership - not the unnatural behavior)
I want to remind any viewers (at least 2!!) that the opinions expressed by others (DAD) are not necessarily those of the managers of this site (namely me) Still nice to know someone takes the time to read these rambling thoughts!
Talk to you in a couple of days.
The search will pick up again Tuesday.
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Leadership Comes in all forms
So its been over a month since my last true update (as my father so kindly pointed out in recent comments) and I've struggled to keep up with day to day ramblings as well as these therapeutic ramblings that tend to keep me sane for brief moments in time.
Also during this time I have spent a great deal of time on the road, both in Canada and in the US. What I have found is that there is a great call for leadership across North America and that whereever I go, people are looking for the same kind of leader.
A leader that inspires us to think bigger than we are. A leader who doesn't know how to say "We can't do that". A leader who listens to all people and then makes the right decisions for most people. A leader who knows that some great leaders can also follow. A leader who knows that one great person is not as good as several great people.
I am currently re-reading From Good To Great and continue to dwell on the idea of successful businesses getting the right people on the bus. The book states that the right people are so important, you don't even have to know where the company is going - get the right peolple on the bus and you can figure it out together.
The same holds true for great leadership. Leaderships inspire other people to get on the bus and together, they will find the right path for their business, their town or their country.
Great leaders are out there. We, as citizens of the world, have a duty to inspire them to get on the bus - our future depends on it!
Until next time (I promise that time will not be so long)
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
A long delay
While it's been a long time since I last updated this (this does require commitment!!). I do have a lot to say. I've seen leaders galore in my travels and have met people who have had a profound impact. By the end of this weekend you will know it all. Until then...
Monday, July 04, 2005
Back To Nature
Didjn't spend much time searching - just figuring out which button did what on the Motorhome.
back now and the search goes on!
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
From the Mouths of Babes
Yesterday he was telling someone about his recent report card (all superior don't you know!!!!...yes I am a proud daddy) and he stated "My Teacher says I am a stronger reader." However both of the adults in room misunderstood the word reader for "Leader" making it "My Teacher says I am a strong leader."
I thought about that and knew at that moment I had found my first leader - albeit a future one.
If you ever read this Ben know how proud I am of you - no matter what.
You truly do bring joy and wonder to my life.
I guess that's one in the find column!!!
Tomorrow the search will begin again.
Sunday, June 26, 2005
Hard Work Pays Off
Until tomorrow and cooler heads (literally)
Saturday, June 25, 2005
No Comment No Criticism
Good advice for leaders. From the words of Dana Woods "If you're not willing to comment - Don't criticize.". More food, family and fun. Summer is a good time to search!!
Home at Last
Heading home following success on the work and personal front. Ottawa is a great city for living but at the end of the day can create an artificle rat race that takes its toll.
At the end of the day each of us is searching for that place that makes us feel most at home - safe, secure and most of all loved. For everyone who is loved - you are blessed! For everyone still searching - it is out there and you will find it! Just keep the faith and keeping searching!
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
A trip to Our Nations Capital
So here I am in the nations capital - a place that should have leadership oozing from its pores. This is a place I know well. I have spent time here surrounded by people yet alone. I have also found friendships here that will last a lifetime. What I have discovered is that leadership in this town actually finds you when you're looking somewhere else - the problem is that most of the true leaders have lost their drive to lead or their vision on where they were going.
Spent time trying to help others find their own direction today. In many ways they to are searching for a leader.
Beautiful day with a great deal of success and happiness.
It's a great day to keep searching.
Sunday, June 19, 2005
Sunday Morning
Family fun and festivities have taken their toll on those of all ages. My suggestion - we need more family activity. From the youngest (Ben) to the oldest (John) each person experienced real joy. For any potential leaders reading this - don't underestimate the power of family and it's ability to have a lasting, positive impact on individuals.
Also understand the impact of good wine, good music and silly games.
Laughter is a beautiful thing!
Sent from my blackberry - on the road.
Still searching...
Saturday, June 18, 2005
A Rainy Saturday
Trying to get the family motivated on a rainy saturday is like searching for a leader - it takes time and effort and, in the end, you hope you make it.
Heading out with 11 of my wife's family for a weekend at the shore. Good food, good coversation and good laughs are sure to follow.
BTW - trying to update this blog through my Blackberry. If this works I am even a bigger fan of technology!!!
Keep dry!!
Friday, June 17, 2005
New to Blogging
Currently I am sitting with Karen and Nick talking about the department of education, leadership and turning 40!! (Although I am still very far away from that) I've decided that each of us has opinions that are based on what we know and what we have done. It's exciting to know that the world is filled with individuals.
Now I just got yelled at for writing this blog at 11pm. Until tomorrow or my next internet connection day!!
I am going to like this!