Sunday, September 04, 2005

A Lazy Day

Last couple of days of vacation and I finally got to catch up on the horrific scene that is New Orleans. Without trying to set off a blaze of controversy, this natural disaster has proven that racial differences still exist within North America and my heart goes out to those that the "powers that be - our Leaders!" seem to have forgotten.

Had an amazing trip and saw true leaders throughout.

First and foremost - Cirque de Soleil -An amazing show! The true leadership demonstrated by every performer (True leaders in their discipline) was amazing.

Next a major league baseball team - where leadership can make the difference between winning and losing (Jays lost!!!)

And then Marine Land where the trainers were able to work with a 10,000 pound killer whale - and through patience and trust - have that animal perform in a completely unnatural environment (I am applauding the leadership - not the unnatural behavior)

I want to remind any viewers (at least 2!!) that the opinions expressed by others (DAD) are not necessarily those of the managers of this site (namely me) Still nice to know someone takes the time to read these rambling thoughts!

Talk to you in a couple of days.

The search will pick up again Tuesday.