Friday, May 28, 2010

My ipad kind of life

So today is a day where I'm completely consumed by green envy. The
long celebrated and anticipated iPad launched in Canada today sending
future shop Shopping techies into a frenzy of gotta have it.

I've researched, know the model and accessories I want. I even know
the first 200 apps I would download.

Yet I can't for the life of me come up with a decent arguement as to
why I should fork out a cool grand on nothing more than a status
symbol. My mac laptop, iPhone and netbook can do all the things the
ipad can do. Yet I start at the pretty silver case and dream of
reading the great novels of the world while sitting in my business
class seat, flying to some exotic local.

It's funny how our mind works and how stuff defines us.

As a guy who lost all my stuff just over a year ago I've written and
preached about how stuff doesn't matter. It's the other things -
family, friends - that mean everything.

I think leaders of organizations, who prop up the myth that these
latest gadgets or social media channels will change your life, need to
redefine the why.

A colleague and popular blogger wrote in his paper column this morning
that he couldn't live without facebook.

My son tells me he needs the latest wii game.

I HAD to have the iPhone I'm writing this on.

We don't need these things and companies who sell them know it.
Instead of making me feel bad for not having it they need to consider
marketing to me the fun and pleasure I'll derive. it's more honest,
more compelling and probably more successful a marketing tactic in the

Just in case you don't agree my birthday is coming and I still want
the iPad. Howard Stern has one you know. He says it's amazing!!!

Sent from my iPhone

Sent from my iPhone