Friday, January 18, 2008

More than Chicken Soup.

Does it ever seem that no matter what you do you can't get better? My bathroom counter looks like a sample room for a cold medication pharmaceutical rep and yet nothing is helping. Now what I need is time and space. Time to rest and heal and space to feel crappy until I don't. For those of us who work way too much and tend to blur lifes priorities on a daily if not hourly basis, we need to realize when sickness is real and when we need to step back and fall down.This is one of those times that Chicken soup alone will not work!!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

What Does it Take to Be Successful?

  • Time – to think, to plan and to look forward
  • A relationship with those that matter
  • Greater trust of my team
  • Clear mandate of what is expected
  • The trust from others
  • Greater inclusion
  • Better work/life balance
  • Acceptance

    What I need to do to be successful? There are no shortcuts. I can only be successful because I have a passion. An aim and objective and the zeal and enthusiasm to work hard and conquer any inappropriate habits. The talent to focus and refocus my activities. The courage to stand out from the crowd. The power of determination in my thoughts. It’s not the money that drives people to success it’s the game, it’s wanting to be the best