Saturday, June 25, 2005

No Comment No Criticism

Good advice for leaders. From the words of Dana Woods "If you're not willing to comment - Don't criticize.". More food, family and fun. Summer is a good time to search!!

Home at Last

Heading home following success on the work and personal front. Ottawa is a great city for living but at the end of the day can create an artificle rat race that takes its toll.

At the end of the day each of us is searching for that place that makes us feel most at home - safe, secure and most of all loved. For everyone who is loved - you are blessed! For everyone still searching - it is out there and you will find it! Just keep the faith and keeping searching!

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

A trip to Our Nations Capital

While it's been a couple of days I now have the time to once again provide some musings. The interesting thing is that I have yet to really share this URL with anyone but a couple of family members - I guess Blogs are a personal escape anyhow.

So here I am in the nations capital - a place that should have leadership oozing from its pores. This is a place I know well. I have spent time here surrounded by people yet alone. I have also found friendships here that will last a lifetime. What I have discovered is that leadership in this town actually finds you when you're looking somewhere else - the problem is that most of the true leaders have lost their drive to lead or their vision on where they were going.

Spent time trying to help others find their own direction today. In many ways they to are searching for a leader.

Beautiful day with a great deal of success and happiness.

It's a great day to keep searching.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Sunday Morning

Family fun and festivities have taken their toll on those of all ages. My suggestion - we need more family activity. From the youngest (Ben) to the oldest (John) each person experienced real joy. For any potential leaders reading this - don't underestimate the power of family and it's ability to have a lasting, positive impact on individuals.

Also understand the impact of good wine, good music and silly games.

Laughter is a beautiful thing!

Sent from my blackberry - on the road.

Still searching...
