Saturday, April 12, 2008

Spring is Sprung?

There are sure signs of spring.

Birds chirping early in the morning, spring flowers peaking through the last chunks of snow and me putting my son's #$%& basketball net together.

I don't know why things are built so complicated and why all dads are expected to be handy!!

I'm not.

I'm a decent conversationalist, help him with music and sports and art and literature and showing him that men and women are indeed equal (he's too young to know that women have a slight edge) and, just recently, even got crafty in helping him build his robot ROBOTBOBO. But when it comes to wrenches, nuts and bolts and patience for figuring things out.....I suck.

I guess I can chalk it up to another of lifes lessons..

When it comes to handy - save your money and pay someone else!!!

Hope your hydrangeas and iris' are doing well.


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