Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Do The Right Thing.

This column first appeared in Progress Magazine in March 2012......

One of the lessons I remember most as a young child was the constant reminder from my father that I didn’t have to reinvent the wheel.  Others before me had discovered the path of least resistance and I should just listen to them, follow their advice and “do the right thing.”

This lesson came back to me this week as I completed my fourth stakeholder audit in as many months.  As an independent consultant who specializes in strategic planning, corporate social responsibility development and stakeholder engagement, I have the truly amazing opportunity to work with organizations who provide me full access to their key stakeholders and entrust me with reaching out and determining what those stakeholders think of the organization, it’s vision and mandate, it’s successes and challenges and where the organization needs to focus on for the future.
In the past four months I’ve worked with two industry associations, a health care organization, and a provincially driven agency.  They are all good organizations with solid histories, excellent staff and a strong record of results.  What’s most interesting, are the key challenges that stakeholders identified within each of these organizations that they all have in common.

This got me thinking about all of the engagement exercises I’ve done with Atlantic-based businesses over the past few years and surprise, surprise, many of their challenges were the same. 

This is the most common challenge I hear from stakeholders – regardless of the sector.  Stakeholders consistently outline the challenge of not knowing what an organization does, whether or not it has achieved success and, most importantly, what that organization can do for the stakeholder.  While fundamental to everything an organization does, communications is perhaps the one area where most tend to fail on a regular basis.  Whether some take it for granted or just don’t think of it, stakeholders continue to feel a disconnect with the very organization that depends on them to help reach their goals.  While every manager I’ve ever worked for fancied themselves an excellent communicator, the truth is that solid, consistent, two-way communications with key stakeholders takes focus, strategy and commitment. 

Another key area stakeholders highlight is the organization’s ability to work with other groups or organizations to ensure the best focus and strategy possible.  This could mean collaboration between business and government, our educational institutions and the private sector or even like-minded agencies that offer similar services.  Yet we continue to see groups operating in isolation.  Stakeholders want to see groups and organizations willing to accept that they don’t always hold all the answers.  They want to see integration and collaboration with a goal of providing the best product, service or support possible.
Beyond being a financially successful operation, stakeholders want to see the added-value that organizations bring to the communities in which they operate.  I’ve talked many times in this column about the concept of shared-value yet many organizations remain unaware or are unwilling to act on the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of their stakeholders while at the same time, making a profit.   Again this is not about sponsoring little league teams or providing ball caps for golf tournaments.  It requires thought and strategy and tends to be an after thought with many organizations across our region.
Openness and Transparency
In addition to effective two-way communication, stakeholders want to see organizations that are willing to be open and transparent in everything they do.  From profits to solving challenges, stakeholders have greater trust and respect for the organization that is willing to share through reporting and ongoing communications.  This allows stakeholders to make informed decisions, generate greater awareness and ultimately create stronger good will. 

Perhaps the most difficult to quantify, stakeholders continue to highlight the lack of leadership within many of the organizations in our region today.  While it’s not about the ability of the individual leaders, it is about the ability of an organization to play a leadership role in whatever it is they do.  Stakeholders want to be part of successful organizations.  They want to see an organization that has the ability to inspire, to make a difference and to be true innovators in their various disciplines or sectors.
So there you are.  Whether you’re a government agency or a private organization, are you truly aware of what your stakeholders think of you and, even more importantly, whether or not they see themselves within your organization?
Don’t assume.  Take the time to reach out to stakeholders and engage them in a dialogue.  Also don’t assume they’ll be frank and open unless you employ an independent consultant who can ask the tough questions and be prepared for the tough answers.  While difficult to hear, I guarantee its better to know than to remain ignorant.  
I finally get what my father was saying.  You don’t have to reinvent the wheel and find out the hard way.  Many organizations have been down that path.  You have the ability to follow an easier one.  A path that will lead to improved stakeholder engagement, greater social responsibility and a stronger bottom line.   

Mike Randall is a communications and engagement specialist living in Moncton. He can be reached at

1 comment:

Elizabeth Braid said...

You need a "like" button.... your words ring true.
Thanks Mike.
Elizabeth Braid