With less than a week until we "ring" in the new year I've started wondering what next year will bring. I vowed years ago not to make any new years resolutions ( to date the only resolution I've kept by the way).
I expect 2011 to bring about many changes both on the personal and professional front.
I'm tired of feeling tired and I want to do something about it. I'm scared and excited about a new business idea and I can't wait to tell the world about it.
More travel is on the agenda with a trip back to Doha during the first week of January.
And a journey towards more of a life outside of the office is tops on my list of to do's in the coming year.
What can the collective "we" expect in 2011?
Looks as though the Feds will hold off on pushing for an election. While still desperate for a majority government, I think the PM knows Canadians don't want another election right now.
I think each of us is desperate for leadership but have lost faith that we will find it. Someone was remarking on the popularity of Danny Williams recently and his folk hero status in Newfoundland and Labrador. That's what we are all looking for - a folk hero who understands that people just want to be the best they can be.
Provincially we will see how our new government fairs. Early days are mostly positive but the new tarnishes quickly with a fickle electorate. We will also see if the provincial liberals have what it takes to rebuild a decimated party. Pick your leaders wisely - there is no second chance in politics.
South of the border, we will see if president Obama can pull himself out of the popular opinion basement and show Americans why they voted for him in the first place - real and lasting change. It's funny how many people and organizations claim they want change only to do everything they can to prevent it from happening. Change is scary but so is staying in the same place.
Be brave. Pursue happiness and joy. Never give up or back down from defending something you believe in. Demand real leadership.
Live life to it's fullest.
Dance like no one is watching.
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