Thursday, January 07, 2010

Commitment to Social Media - Commitment to Life???

So sick days provide opportunities to re-evaluate, to reconsider where you are and where you want to go.

Sick days are also great for remembering you have a blog and that you have not posted in 2 months.  I know the power of Social media.  I counsel clients on its benefits and its ability to reach many stakeholders who are connected to you in one of many ways.  The question I am asking myself in my drug induced, semi conscious state - Do people care if I have a blog and whether or not I have anything to say.

It's not a tool to reach my stakeholders.  It's not even used that much to communicate with friends.  So here's the question.  If Life Lessons were discontinued would it matter?  I'd like to think my thoughts are informed (if not slightly Liberal) in their presentation.  I'd also like to think that my words can inspire thought and even potentially hope.

Would people like to see more blogs on leadership?  Communications?

I'm asking myself the same questions and I'll provide the answer in the next couple of days.

Still wondering....


1 comment:

Unknown said...

You never know who is reading my friend. Blogging is more for you ... lets you get your thoughts out. A way of journaling. At least that's how I see it.