So let's see if this time I can commit to taking that little time out required to write down my thoughts and highlight the examples of leadership I witness (or don't) in my day to day life.
It's been months since my last Blog - actually it was the night we lost our house to fire. To say life has been filled with ups and downs since then would be an understatement.
It's been so long that I'm not sure where to start.
Obama is doing the right thing but struggles because people hate change.
Ignatieff is unsure of the right thing and it could come back to haunt him.
Harper is avoiding people seeing the real him through great advice and guidance.
These are just some broad thoughts to bring us up to speed to today. Now i'll be able to follow on a daily basis and provide some more interesting insight on real issues.
I know i've said this before and haven;t backed it up but I beg for forgiveness one more time as I try and find my way through this topsy Turvy world we call life...
The last few months have produced amazing highs and soul destroying lows.
I've seen heaven and hell and have discovered that sometimes it's a fine line between the two.
That old saying - "be careful what you wish for because it may come true" is wise and should be listened to.
Someone asked me the other day if after the last few months I would be ok.
I pray every day that the answer will be yes.
I have too much to be thankful for not to be.
It's time to start the journey again and not stop this time until we find what we're looking for.
I've said it before and I'll say it again....
"it's going to be a bumpy ride...."
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