The following recently appeared as 'Letter of the Day' in the Moncton Times and Transcript. (More proof I have been writing!!!)
To The Editor
As the global economic crisis continues to weigh on the minds of Canadians I know many are going through exercises of belt tightening and evaluating what it is necessary versus discretionary spending. As a small business owner I understand the realities of making tough choices. The other thing I understand is that, even in tough economic times, we need to continue to strategically invest in areas that will pay dividends both now and into the future.
So imagine my surprise late Wednesday when, returning from a business trip in Toronto, I grabbed my copy of the Times and Transcript to see yet another article on Riveriew Councillor Sherry Wilson describing the Capitol Theatre as a “luxury” stating that “the money for these things doesn’t all have to come from government,” and the article's author referred to the Capitol as a tri-community “sacred cow.”
As someone who has been a supporter of the Greater Moncton arts community for many years it still amazes me when I hear this very narrow view that arts and culture is a luxury that we can do without in tough economic times.
Put aside the fact that the Capitol Theatre has played a pivotal role in my life. (I’ve had the pleasure of performing on the Stage of the Capitol on a number of occasions and my wife Karen is a regular instructor at the summer theatre program which my son has attended for 4 years consecutively.) Put aside the performances I have attended over the past 15 years that have inspired new ways of seeing the world and new ways of thinking. Put aside the importance the facility has played in keeping a vibrant cultural diversity that is the envy of communities across the country.
Let’s just address the tough economic choices we are currently faced with and where arts and culture fits into that.
The arts and cultural sector makes a very significant contribution to the Canadian economy and it employs hundreds of thousands of skilled workers. According to the federal government the direct impact of the arts and cultural sector in Canada – as measured by its contribution to gross domestic product (GDP) – was close to $40 billion in 2003-04, with total direct employment reaching an estimated 600,000 jobs (roughly the same as agriculture, forestry, fishing, mining, oil & gas and utilities combined). That number has risen in the past 4 years.
The Capitol Theatre is no exception. Employing 45 full and part-time, it has an annual operating budget of 1.2 million – only 40% of which comes from local municipal governments (not all!). That translates into a significant economic impact on our local economy.
As well, the Capitol Theatre is a key piece of infrastructure in the ongoing attempt to attract new business and investment to our region. Having had the opportunity to work with companies who have decided to invest in this region, there are a number of factors in their decision to locate here. Good tax rates, strong business acumen, a government committed to working with new growth opportunities and a quality of life that will attract the necessary workforce. This includes the necessary infrastructure including parks, sports facilities and a center dedicated to the performing arts.
As a resident of Riverview I’m excited Riverview has taken steps to better formalize an arts and cultural presence in the community with the Riverview Arts Center, but at the end of the day it’s a school facility that will not end up contributing to the local economy.
We need the Capitol Theatre to ensure Greater Moncton, and Riverview in particular, continues to be a place that is considered by companies looking to expand, relocate and invest – particularly during these tough economic times.
We also need the Capitol theatre because it helps define who we are as a people.
The Capitol Theatre is no more a luxury than any other component of our municipal infrastructure. I urge the critics to re-evaluate their positions and expand their thinking on the fundamental importance of arts and culture in our community.
Perhaps attending some performances at the Capitol would help.
Mike Randall
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