Sunday, May 13, 2007

The Essence of Mother

Happy Mothers Day to all moms and moms to be out there who have given the gift of life.

Remarkable thing mothers.

Perhaps the most complicated and intense creature on the face of the planet.

They can go from being the most caring, nurturing living thing you've ever seen to the most fierce and vicious assassin if something is threatening their child.

Mothers are tender yet firm.

Mothers are part teacher, doctor, lawyer, drama coach,bus driver, martha stewart, maid, chef, pack horse and the list goes on.

Then mothers become grandmothers and the feelings and actions start all over again.

Quite literally - none of us would be here without mothers, but more importantly none of us would become functioning members of society, caring and compassionae or committed to a cause - without our moms guidance and firm hand along the way.

Thanks to my mom, grandmother and to Ben's mom for everything you do.

Thank you is not enough!!

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