Prime Minister Stephen Harper is continuing to get hammered over the David Emerson boondoggle - most recently over his decision to tell the Ethics Commissioner to take a hike.
Let's not beat around the bush here - the Prime Minister is wrong.
It doesn't matter that Bernard Shapiro is a liberal appointed ethics commissioner with very little credibility left in most circles.
It doesn't matter that the opposition continues to try and make political hay over the issue.
What matters - THE ONLY THING THAT MATTERS - is that the Prime Minister is following a course of action that completely contradicts everything he campaigned on. It contradicts everything that Canadians liked about his message of accountability, honesty and integrity.
The comments from the Prime Minister's newest Director of Communications certainly did not help the situation stating the PM is "Loath" to cooperate with the Ethics Commissioner (Do I smell number 6?)
Regardless of the nuisance and the time it is the PM's duty to go through the process, give credence to the issue and take any recommendations under advisement. Instead, discrediting the commissioner and claiming political interference smacks of the same old political BS.
If you meant you would bring a different kind of government - prove it.
Let the commissioner conduct his study and pay attention to what he and Canadians are saying.
The real question here is why is this "accountable" government giving the Ethics Commissioner any kind of issue to deal with during the first 30 days in office. For their sakes - and ours - I hope this is not a sign of things to come.
1 comment:
One Martin, Two Martins; One Probe, Two Probes; Next Step, the Clean Parliament Act...
So NDP MP Martin has asked the Ethics Commissioner to investigate the Stronach/Martin walkabout.
Good for him! One of the strongest tenets of a working democracy founded on the rule of law is that there should be one law, for all.
Every MP has the right to ask the Ethics Commissioner to investigate. This is one of the checks and balances in our Parliament.
This is one way we manage to guard the guards.
Now, the Ethics Commissioner should investigate both the Emerson and Stronach walkabouts, using all the powers of his office to ensure that all MPs he wishes to talk to about these matters, obey the law and give him the cooperation the law says is due to him.
And then, when the dust is settled, let us have the NDP and Bloc cooperate in introducing the Clean Parliament Act, being some real legislation on ethics. No loopholes, no vagueness, sharp clarity about walkabouts, lobbyists etc. It would stand a good chance of being passed if the Bloc, NDP and Liberals want it to.
Take a very brave and very foolish party to oppose the Clean Parliament Act given recent events.
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